I have been itching to get into AWS Lambda for a while. I enjoy the concept of on-demand compute, since my projects usually have little traffic and only get used sporadically. It's much more economical to use Lambda instead of persistent containers in ECS in those cases.
I dabbled into Lambda in the past, but I had issues setting up my local development environment. Since lambdas require custom events, in my case HTTP events provided by an API Gateway, I can't simply run it locally. Where am I supposed to get the AWS specific events from? After some tinkering, I have found a setup that I am happy with.
I use aws-lambda-go-api-proxy to start my api locally. It's exposed like any other http api and I can call it via curl or the browser. When deployed, the proxy handles the events from aws and forwards them to my router. This way I have zero additional effort when developing locally and can deploy without any special workflows.
I chose to deploy my lambda using a docker container. I could have also zip'd the binary and uploaded that. But with the docker container I get built in version management and don't have to think about where my zip archives live. I just push to the aws container registry and then select the revision in my lambda. I additionally have an api gateway provisioned, which creates the entrypoint to my application. I add a CNAME record to my dns provider and voila, it's all done.
The result can be seen here: